Empowering Experienced Kallah Teachers to Support Today’s Couples*
Couples today seek more from their kallah (bridal) teachers than just guidance on Jewish Family Purity laws. They want open, informed discussions about sexuality, marital harmony, and intimacy—topics often overlooked in traditional training.
The Advanced Kallah Teacher Training Program equips experienced teachers with deeper knowledge and practical tools to:
Address sensitive topics like sexuality, body image, and fertility.
Guide couples toward building strong, conflict-free marriages.
Recognize and respond to signs of domestic or sexual abuse, potentially saving lives.
What You’ll Learn:
Taught by leading experts, the course covers:
Intimacy and Sexuality
Halakhic Perspectives on Birth Control
Healthy Body Image
Pleasure and Desire
Fertility Challenges
Identifying and Addressing Abuse
Shalom Bayit (Marital Harmony)
Health and Wellness Issues
*This course is only open to certified kallah teachers.
Course Details:
Facilitator: Dr. Judith Fogel
Duration: 10 sessions
Format: Expert lectures, interactive discussions, and practical teaching strategies
Cost: Finalized before each cohort begins
Equip yourself to meet the evolving needs of your students. Help them build thriving marriages, foster understanding, and navigate challenges with confidence and care.
“I feel like I’m part of a network and there are so many things that I have never been exposed to before. I’ll be able to enrich my kallot so much even if I only share with them a fraction of what I’ve learned in this course.” - Rena G., course participant
To express interest in participating, please click on the button below and you will be updated when course registration opens.