The Eden Center invites you to an evening with Yoetzet Halacha Rena Spolter.

Rena will discuss 10 Common Misconceptions about Taharat Hamishpacha & Mikvah through the Lifecycle – From Marriage through Postpartum until Menopause.
Originally from the United States, Rena resides in Israel and will be joining through zoom. Rena Spolter is a Certified Yoetzet Halacha with decades of experience in Jewish education and communal leadership. She has a Master’s degree in Jewish Education and has been teaching both Judaics and EFL for over 25 years.
Facilitator: Rena Spolter
Duration: 1.5 hours
Format: Zoom
Fee: Free with pre-registration
Click below to express interest in participating. You will be notified when course registration opens.